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STCS Students and Parents

What is a Charter?

A charter school is a public school and may provide instruction in any of grade K-12. A charter school is usually created or organized by a group of teachers, parents and community leaders or a community-based organization and is usually sponsored by an existing local public school board or county board of education. Specific goals and operating procedures for the charter school are detailed in an agreement (or “charter”) between the sponsoring board and charter organizers.

A charter school is generally exempt from most laws governing school districts, except where specifically noted in the law. California public charter schools are required to participate in the statewide assessment test, called the SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium) program. The law also requires that a public charter school be nonsectarian in its programs, admission policies, employment practices, and all other operations, and prohibits the conversion of a private school to a charter school. Public charter schools may not charge tuition and may not discriminate against any pupil based on ethnicity, national origin gender, or disability.

Missions K-8

Préparer une population étudiante diversifiée de la maternelle à la 8e année à une éducation supérieure réussie en dotant chaque enfant de compétences, de connaissances et d'une pensée morale critique, en développant des habitudes d'esprit pour devenir des apprenants motivés, compétents et tout au long de leur vie.

Communication avec les parents

À la Sherman Thomas Charter School, nous nous efforçons de tenir nos parents informés. BLOOMZ est une application de communication que nous avons adoptée ici chez STCS et que nous avons trouvée facile et simple à utiliser. 

Manuel 2023-2024

COVID-19 School Closure-Distanced Based Learning Information

Please see the following resources to help you navigate these tools that teachers may be using to access Distance Learning. Teachers will send additional information or be available to help guide you with any additional tools they may offer.

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