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Ready to receive top-notch education at no cost?

Sherman Thomas Charter Elementary School has your back, tuition-free, and open to any qualified student in California!

The school does not discriminate in its admission practices and policies based on ethnicity, national origin, primary language, gender, or disability.

If more applications are received than available slots for enrollment, a public, random lottery will be held to determine enrollment.

2023-2024 Open Enrollment Application

2024-2025 Wait List Application



Grâce à une demande très forte, nous organisons notre loterie annuelle pour sélectionner les nouveaux étudiants qui rejoindront notre école l'année prochaine.


L'événement sera diffusé sur ZOOM mercredi,

9 mai 2004 à 16h00 PDT.

 For more info, please call our office
559-674-1192 extension 103 or 104 

*Please note, that applying does not guarantee placement at Sherman Thomas Charter School. All applications submitted will be placed on a waiting list.*

Charter Complaint Form

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