Sherman Thomas Charter High School

Sherman Thomas Charter High School

Empowering Students through Real-World Experience

At Sherman Thomas Charter High School, we uphold the belief that education’s core purpose lies in enabling students to realize their utmost potential while making positive contributions to society. We understand our society’s future depends on the active engagement of an educated and well-informed public. Moreover, we acknowledge the vital role formal education plays in equipping individuals to thrive in a technologically advanced global landscape.

Our ultimate goal is to cultivate a learning environment that nurtures the development of responsible citizenship through active involvement in both the home and broader society. We provide diverse learning opportunities aimed at furnishing learners with the skills and resources to thrive in the modern workplace.

In the ensuing years, Sherman Thomas Charter High School has earned a reputation for its commitment to preparing students for the challenges of higher education and the workforce. The curriculum was designed to empower students to take ownership of their learning, fostering independence and critical thinking skills. Our high school is known for its supportive faculty, who work closely with students to ensure they reach their academic and personal goals.

Vision & Mission

2024-2025 Calendar

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
