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Sherman Thomas High School

Sherman Thomas Charter High School (The Organization) is a California non-profit public benefit corporation organized to promote educational services. The Organization provides a 9th – 12th grade hybrid-based learning environment that enables lifelong learners through a student-centered, situated/real- life and authentic educational program design. The Organization is governed by a board of directors from the general public. The Organization was granted its charter in April 2009 by Madera Unified School District and is located in Madera County.

Escuela secundaria autónoma Sherman Thomas

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The organization of Sherman Thomas Charter Schools is a nonprofit public benefit corporation located in Madera, California designed to promote high-quality educational services. Established in 2009, Sherman Thomas High School was founded with the mission of providing a supportive environment favorable to student achievement, particularly for families seeking an educational model that offers flexibility in scheduling and instructional delivery. Our high school provides students from grade levels 9-12 with the opportunity to learn in a hybrid-based environment. Our unique blend of independent study, traditional, and online schooling caters to high school students seeking direct instruction in smaller class settings. During their time at STCHS, your student will engage in Learning Center courses conducted on campus, Independent Study courses, Online Learning courses, and the option to participate in our Educational Enrichment Program at Madera Community College.

At STCHS, our student-to-teacher ratio is 25:1. We believe a small-scale education can have a significant influence for each student, their families, their distinct needs, and aspirations. Each student receives a personalized class schedule. These schedules, depending on grade level, will resemble a college schedule. Throughout the week, students attend classes for an hour or more in each core subject, with additional opportunities such as lab sessions, tutoring, and meetings with Supervising Teachers.

En los años siguientes, Sherman Thomas Charter High School se ganó la reputación de su compromiso de preparar a los estudiantes para los desafíos de la educación superior y la fuerza laboral. El plan de estudios fue diseñado para capacitar a los estudiantes para que se apropien de su aprendizaje, fomentando la independencia y las habilidades de pensamiento crítico. La escuela secundaria se hizo conocida por su cuerpo docente solidario, que trabajaba en estrecha colaboración con los estudiantes para garantizar que alcanzaran sus metas académicas y personales.

2023-2024 Handbook

Local Control Funding Formula Budget Overview Report for Parents

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